female health matters

Personal stories about female health matters.

March 14, 2010

solar radiation health catastrophe ahead?

Ena notes that global warming scaremongering gained momentum at the same time as the 2012 doomsday nonsense escalated, and in view of recent growth in bunker building as well as scientific observation of huge solar eruptions she is wondering whether there is something really big going on in outer space that they're not telling us the exact truth about for fear of starting global panic about our imminent extinction - or, at the very least, a rise in cancer occurrences.

"As I understand it, the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 in order to start all over again, not to end life on earth," says Ena, "and global warming, or climate change as they now call it, is a naturally occurring event having nothing to do with whatever little fleas like ourselves do on planet earth."

"However, when individuals, families and nations start building underground bunkers I start to wonder what they know that we don’t know," muses Ena.

"Apparently, Russia is building an underground city to hold 60,000 elites in the Yamantau Mountains; Norway has already built underground accommodation for the entire population; Sweden has established an underground seed bank; and wealthy families, like the Bushes, are building huge private bunkers in the middle of South America," relates Ena, "and that's just the tip of what’s going on – there must be many, many secret underground establishments for the elites that never get publicity."

"The days of nuclear war scares are well and truly over," says Ena. "Nobody in their right mind believes that an underground bunker will save anyone from a nuclear holocaust. So why is all this underground bunkering gaining momentum? What do they know that we don’t know?"

"We all know that a natural catastrophe from outer space wiped out the dinosaurs," says Ena, "and when I read something about solar flares I started to wonder whether scientists are predicting a similar natural catastrophe to hit us one day soon."

"Apparently, the sun goes through an 11 year cycle of sunspots and solar flares and in 2008 scientists noted some huge solar eruptions suggesting a disturbance from a massive source which could be the Milky Way," says Ena, "and this means that our solar system may be moving into conjunction with the galactic equator of the Milky Way, leading to spectacular solar storms and high energy gamma rays that Earth's magnetic shield may not be able to deflect."

"Already, we know that small solar flares can damage satellites and disrupt our power grids like they did in 1989," says Ena, "and now we know that a large flare such as a
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is capable of wiping us out by irradiating the Earth and every living thing on it."

"As the next peak of the 11 year cycle of sunspots and solar flares is due in 2012, is all the hoopla about global warming and the Mayan calendar really about the possibility of a CME zapping us?"

"Frankly, in this scenario, I don’t think an underground bunker would be particularly safe because of associated earthquakes, volcanic activity and flooding," muses Ena, "and, if the bunker people do survive the CME assault, then they may have to stay underground forever not just because of radiation contamination but also because the earth's protective shield could be irreparably broken rendering life unsustainable."

"What really concerns me right now, though, is that solar flare activity is building up and zapping us every day with small solar flares that must have some effect on our health," adds Ena. "I know it may be silly to worry about cancer and things like that when there's a possibility we're all going to be fried in 2012, but I'd like to think positively about the future and if the sun does present an escalating radiation threat then this information needs to given to everyone immediately.”

“Rather than feeding us rubbish about climate change and carbon pollution, we need to be warned about the real threat of 2012 – radiation!”

Read about the Mayan calendar here:
end of world predictions

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