female health matters

Personal stories about female health matters.

May 10, 2008

Rosemarie Fritzl Wasn’t a Fat Housefrau

As much as she was shocked by the horror perpetrated by Josef Fritzl, Peony was more shocked by the many comments coming from men (and women) around the world seemingly justifying Fritzl’s monstrous behavior on the basis that his wife was an unattractive fat housefrau and that being the case it was only natural that his attentions would turn to his pretty slim daughter – incest being a natural occurrence in the animal world, and a common practice among men, as a ‘natural right’, who know how to get away with it.

“I am 27 and ‘well rounded’ and I am absolutely disgusted by men objectifying women and being constantly bombarded by everyone around me with warnings to lose weight otherwise I won’t get a husband,” says Peony. “Well, hello, there is more to life than getting a husband and if being slim means being locked up in some man’s cellar – if only in his mind – then I have a very good reason not to lose weight.”

“The portrayal of Rosemarie Fritzl by the media as a frumpy fat housefrau may be true of Rosemarie today, in old age, but in 1976 – a year before her daughter Elisabeth was first raped at the age of 11 – she was photographed holidaying in Italy with her two older daughters and she looked trim, taught, tanned and terrific in a black bikini. Go check out the Daily Mail UK archives if you don’t believe me.”

“So, that should shut up the Fat Nazis who want to justify Fritzl’s behavior and blame someone else,” says Peony. “He most certainly did not turn to young Elisabeth because his wife had become fat and unattractive.”

“Rosemarie Fritzl in those old photographs appears to be pretty hot – in male terms – for a 36-year-old woman who had seven kids,” says Peony. “I don’t know if she was naturally slim, or was forced by her controlling husband to go on a perpetual diet, but I don’t know any woman with that number of kids who hasn’t lost whatever figure she started off with – so it’s quite amazing that Rosemarie was so slim.”

“Even if Rosemarie had gained weight after seven pregnancies, who made her pregnant in the first place and why would her weight gain be justification for Fritzl to lust after the daughter?” asks Peony, “Men are absolute pigs for condemning a woman for her weight, for being so obsessed about sex and so quick to blame the women in their lives for their sins.”

“Fritzl, as I see it, was a man who had no respect for women at all – he saw them merely as objects put on earth to satisfy his lusts,” says Peony. “I can’t imagine why his wife, Rosemarie, remained with him after he was imprisoned for rape, but whatever her reason it certainly wasn’t because she was a dominated, cowed, old fashioned housefrau too fat and unattractive to find someone else.”

“Any attractive blonde who goes off to Italy of all places, wearing a bikini, without her husband there by her side to swat off the Latin lovers is certainly no housefrau – controlled in all respects by an insane husband,” says Peony, “and because Rosemarie Fritzl appears to have been a thoroughly modern woman in dress, travel and thought – and was smart enough to manage her own guest house – the Fat Nazis and the ‘blame the wife’ excusers need to look elsewhere to understand Fritzl’s crime.”

“Undoubtedly he had a disgust of fat women – which is probably why he kept his daughter and his cellar children on starvation rations – but this is true of a lot of men.”

“He didn’t dump Rosemarie for the daughter because she was fat and the daughter was slim,” explains Peony. “He didn’t dump Rosemarie at all, he just wanted another conquest – and this is true of a lot of men, too, as they approach middle age and want to prove their male virility all over again.”

“That his lust for a new conquest focused on his daughter is where the crime started – he knew he couldn’t get away with it openly so he had to hide her in a dungeon – and it disgusts me that already men are trying to blame the 11-year old Elisabeth Fritzl for the rapings she suffered, saying that she must have flirted with him and aroused his passions.”

“Men never blame themselves for their natural, God-given sexual desires, do they?” sighs Peony. “The Abrahamic religions, set up for men by men, offered the perfect cop out. Women have been tempting men since Eve tempted Adam in the Garden of Eden, right? It’s a pity God didn’t make Eve fat, then, isn’t it, because then Adam wouldn’t have looked at her let alone taken notice of what she said?”

“I just thank God my size is such that no man – especially my father – looked upon me as a sex object,” says Peony, “and I hope that all those mothers out there who are obsessed with keeping their daughters thin and sexy take a moment out of their busy schedules to think about what they are doing.”

“No, I’m not advocating that mothers should fatten up their daughters to prevent incest or rape, or saying that fat girls never get raped,” adds Peony. “I’m just pointing out that men are endowed with animalistic desires that far exceed those given to women and their brain, if ever engaged, is more likely to be used justifying the horrific results of giving free reign to these desires than finding a harmless outlet for them.”

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