female health matters

Personal stories about female health matters.

May 29, 2010

two-faced health warnings

Shayne is 21 and makes the alarming observation that public health warnings against smoking have not only had the effect of actually hooking kids into buying a legally purchased substance from which two-faced governments makes a lot of money, but have also diverted attention away from health risks that are far more terrible than smoking.

"Don't believe me?” asks Shayne. “Well, look at the gory graphics on cigarette packs and ask yourself why it's okay to display pictures of the bloody and horrific so-called effects of smoking and not to depict the very real bloody and horrific effects of alcohol, drugs and everything else?"

"Why don't drinkers have to face pictures of cirrhotic livers or babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome when they open their liquor purchases? Why aren't there pictures of anorexic women on diet products? Why not pictures of blocked coronary arteries on fast-food wrappers? How about pictures of decayed teeth on candy wrappers?"

"Why stop there. What about gory pictures of mangled car crash bodies on every car sold? Gunshot wounded people on every gun sold?"

"Or how about gory pictures of aborted fetuses and the ravages of venereal diseases on the bodies of men and women in every doctor's surgery, public convenience and bar and club where young people hang out?"

"I mean, if people must be protected against every conceivable harm that might befall them then why stop with smoking?" asks Shayne. "And why isn't a simple written disclaimer enough?"

"Nobody has heard of nicotine fuelled attacks or accidents of any sort and yet every day innocent people are being attacked or killed by drunks or drug addicts," says Shayne, "so what la-la-land is our government creating for us?"

"Why is our government ignoring the terrible costs to the community of alcohol, illegal drugs, pollution and everything else and pouring more and more money on anti-smoking propaganda?"

“Basically, the government is being two-faced in pushing health warnings for tobacco and ignoring everything else."

Read more from Shayne on this subject:

  • stop government advertising!
  • gory tobacco ads
  • anti-smoking propaganda or hook?
  • education or propaganda?

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